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Knutsford Motors, Shelton Old Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 7LX

The property comprises a two storey building on the corner of Hartshill Road / Shelton Old Road with an adjoining single storey building at the rear extending to the junction with Knowl Street. The two storey building (Knutmo unit 1) is occupied partly as a retail showroom on the ground floor with adjoining warehouse and workshop. The lower (basement) floor has been partitioned internally to provide three workshops (Knutmo units 1, 2 and 3), having shared vehicular access from Shelton Old Road. The third workshop (Knutmo unit 4) is situated to rear of the property with its own vehicular access form Shelton Old Road. This adjoining single storey building is also of brick construction under a pitched corrugated cement board roof. The property is subject to 5 tenancies producing a total annual income of £33,768.
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The property comprises a two storey building on the corner of Hartshill Road / Shelton Old Road with an adjoining single storey building at the rear extending to the junction with Knowl Street. The two storey building (Knutmo unit 1) is occupied partly as a retail showroom on the ground floor with adjoining warehouse and workshop. The lower (basement) floor has been partitioned internally to provide three workshops (Knutmo units 1, 2 and 3), having shared vehicular access from Shelton Old Road. The third workshop (Knutmo unit 4) is situated to rear of the property with its own vehicular access form Shelton Old Road. This adjoining single storey building is also of brick construction under a pitched corrugated cement board roof. The property is subject to 5 tenancies producing a total annual income of £33,768.

  • Investment property
  • Located in Shelton Old Road
  • Total G.I.A. - 983.00 sq m / 10,581 sq ft
  • Price: £335,000